Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shootings At Fort Hood

" Allahu Akbar !"

These words were shouted at the top of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's lungs before he opened fire on the inhabitants of the medical clinic in Fort Hood. He was hit four times by a civilain police officer. On the following Sunday he was removed from his resperator at a San Antonio Hospital and still has not spoken.

His Job in the Army

Hasan's job in the army was to be a Phsychiatrist of Palistinian decent. While in the army Hasan was harrased by many people for what he he was, even though he was born in the United States. His car was vandilized and a bumper sticker reading "Allah is Love" and diapers were thrown at his house with the message "this is your head cover" written on the inside.

Many people would say that Hasan was a "home grown terrorist." Were the signs missed? Who knows?

The Victims List

Unfortunately the government refuses to release the list. But we do know that there were 13 people killed. A memorial was held for those who were killed.

So what does "Allahu Akbar." mean? "God is Great!" in Arabic. On a more personal note, not reflecting that of "Strangers with Candy". Why in Gods name would he want you to kill so many people in his name? In what sense does that make? I mean, is God just sitting up there with the Mobsters and Gangsters making a giant hit list of people, and then sending them to certain people on earth? I dont know. But feel free to leave a message if you know.


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