Friday, November 6, 2009

Ultra God

I have recently discovered one of my new “top rated” websites. It lingers up there with facebook, urban dictionary, wikipedia, etc. It is... drum roll, please... Uncyclopedia! This being a parody of wikipedia, obviously. And let me tell you, Uncyclopedia has introduced me to many a concept I was not previously aware of.

Such as Ultra God.

What?!? Are you telling me you've never heard of Ultra God?

Well, then. Let me introduce you...

-Ultra God has never, at any point in his life, eaten a pickle.
-Ultra God hates you all. Yes, even you!
-Ultra God is not, nor has he ever been, a ten year old girl. But he could be if he wanted to.
-Ultra God is not afraid of Michael Jackson, but I don't think anyone would blame him if he was.
-Ultra God has a pet named Ultra Dog.
-Ultra God eats cheese whiz.
-Ultra God is part of an organization called the Ultra Mob.
-Ultra God hates the color yellow. I am inclined to agree.
-Ultra God's son Ultra Jesus (but he claims no relation).
-Ultra God can only be defeated by Chuck Norris, or a pirate ninja.

And this is just a sneak peak. Wanna know more?? Take a look at:

live it, love it.
;) Fun Sized

Side note: In my opinion, I believe they forgot to put that Ultra God also created Taco Bell. Maybe it was just to obvious...?

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