Friday, November 6, 2009

Video Game Reveiws-Dragon Age: Orgins

Dragon Age: Orgins, a game recently released within the past few days has completely taken my soul. Not many games can do this to a person who has a serious case of A.D.D. and certainly not many RPGs can do this to me. In dragon age you can start out as three completely customizable characters. A Dwarf, A Human, or An Elf. You can be male of female, but this does not change the story line for you at all. There are 3 different openings for the story based on which creature you pick. I decided that I was going to do all three at the same time. Im currenly playing on the PS3 so all I did was create two more accounts on my dashboard. Dont try to do it any other way, you WILL erase your previous game and be a sad cow. You are a Grey Warden, one of the very LAST of a super cool legendary order of bad a$$ guardians. You have been chosen not only to solve the problem of an ancient foe and reclaim several cities lost in their own civil war.

Although the story line is twisted into several little plots and make the entire game completely interesting, the fight sequence is something to be let down on in my opinion. When I first fought my now level 17 Human Warrior I was somewhat disappointed with the fighting. She would say random corny lines over and over and over again. This actually made me hit the ::pause:: button and go into settings to see if I could shut my poor darlings mouth. Also, if you are playing Dragon Age please note that the fighting is EXACTLY like World of Warcraft. In my terms really doesnt interest me but Im sure this game has already stolen thousands of Die hard WOW players.

Dragon Age Orgins gets 4 KNUCKLE BABIES out of 5.

Good job Edge of Reality, BioWare, and EA!

P.S. This game is rated M for blood, intense violence, language, partial nudity and sexual content.

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