Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fresh Prince of the 90's

Look closely and realize that this picture epitomizes the nineties, while also realizing how grateful you should be that it is now 2009. From the Jurrasic aged video game system, to Will Smith and his pastel Saved-By-The-Bell-esque clothes, this picture is a trip down memory lane you'll need your TomTom to find a way out of, stat.

PS. I do mis 90's Mariah though. Dear Jesus, please return her voice to me, that hooker just can't sing like she used to. Also, please kill Nick Cannon on the trainwreck it looks like he came out of. Amen.
PSS. I think I still wear hats like this. Why hasn't anyone attempted an intervention with me?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Friend,
    Please do not hate on Will Smith. I love him.
    That hat is awesome and so are his pants.
