Sunday, November 1, 2009

"Um, I'd like a Diet Coke with that."

Something I have noticed, and I have been noticing for a while now, is people who diet. Honestly, it doesn’t make sense to me at all. Why go through the drive thru of Mc Donald’s and as for a number 2 with extra bacon? And why tell the cashier you want a Diet Coke with that? Or why go to a buffet and I don’t know, eat like ten plates of food and wonder why your Diet Coke isn’t being refilled? What’s the point people? I would understand if you had a salad or some sort of low calorie meal in front of you, but if you have the greasiest "Can a$$ be any bigger?" meal in front of you, there is no point! I’m sorry to tell you this baby doll, but judging by the overlapping belly and the double chin, you are losing the war! Drink water! Be healthy! And yeah, I know that some people are diabetics blah! Blah! Blah! I’m just saying this about people who aren’t. Don’t get your pretty knickers in a wad. If you're going to eat something greasy and unhealthy, just go all out! Get that freaking Dr. Pepper! Ask the waitress to put two scoops of sugar in that syrupy mix! Your thighs deserve it!
\m/ >< \m/ - Knuckles.

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