Sunday, November 8, 2009

"A Change is Gonna Come"

Whether the change is beneficial or not is yet to be seen, but today as I was touring the capitol in my tourist bliss, I was hounded by the sound of chants coming from the other side of the capitol. "Clearly this is my moment to make my move into politics", I thought as I barged up the hill. The chanting meant drama, and as I was selected "Most Dramatic" in my senior superlative, (class of 2007) I felt more than qualified to engage in this dramatic activity and gain national attention as a decently handsome, below-average height, southern gentlemen from the trailer trash town of Griffin, Georgia. Oh boy was I wrong.

They were scary. Yelling-red-faced-calling-the-other-side-idiots-at-the-top-of-their-lungs political activists, and I decided I would have no part in it, as I had not eaten that day, my blood sugar was low, and I was yet to become aware of Jessica's stash of low-calorie Glycogen tablets until later that evening when we were on the road, asking any decently dressed caucasion or non-jew directions for the nearest location to eat. (I made that last part up, we didn't ask anyone sh#t, we didn't even think about asking anyone; I didn't even think about telling someone that I thought about asking someone for directions to somewhere until I decided to write this).

What were they chanting about, is probably the question you have next in your mind. It's the question I would have, so I will assume it is the same for you (if not, just keep reading anyways). Mantras of "Kill the Bill" is what I heard, fear immediately gripped me, I thought they were talking about getting rid of the dollar bill (my good -yet often estranged- friend from the dept of treasury), but no, they were talking about a bill, as in the things that get signed into law by our President.

The bill was for health care reform, and the bill passed today in congress. A narrow pass, but a win is a win (a principal I strictly abide by, as I am an avid tic-tac-to-er who believes 2 1/6 X's is a clear victory versus 2 O's)

Whatever you believe, the bill is passed.

These are the changes:

1. Creates a government-run plan, or "public option," to offer insurance coverage to compete with private sector insurance companies.
2. Sets up health insurance "exchanges," or marketplaces, where consumers can easily compare coverage and rates.
3. Requires nearly everyone to obtain health insurance coverage starting in 2013.
4. Ends blanket exemption for insurers from anti-trust laws.
5. Provides federal financial help for lower and middle income consumers so they can obtain coverage.
6. Bars insurers from denying or limiting coverage because of pre-existing conditions.
7. Bars insurers from imposing lifetime limits on coverage.
8. Expands Medicaid coverage to more people.
9. Imposes a 5.4 percent surcharge on adjusted gross incomes of more than $500,000 for individuals and $1 million for joint filers.
10. Imposes penalties on people and businesses who fail to comply with the new law.

PS. I guess it doesn't always take a bitch to get things done. Hilary Clinton, eat your heart out.
PSS. I really took that picture today at the demonstration in Washingdon DC. So everyone else can SUCK IT. SUCK IT HARD.

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