Monday, November 23, 2009

Silence of The Mexicans

Creepy. I imagine him dragging my lifeless body through the leaves in the back yard. My legs seem to make a small trail leading to the broken down shack that remains. He looks down at me as my body thumps onto the work bench. "Ho la Como Est as?"
I think I have a stalker. I think that they are supposed to be secretive. But unfortunately this one is not. His name...Nurry. His purpose? To fill his imagination with wicked dreams about me! Now this has been accruing for a long time. Actually since I started my job. I let it go. Being from Georgia, we have our fair share of Mexican men. In Griffin the population doubles. And for a Caucasian girl, 99 percent of the time if you walk past a Mexican. They are going to hit on you. Who knows, there are plenty of reasons I suppose. The most I have heard is that they just like white girls or they want a green card so they wish to marry. That one has been done to me a few times.
Nurry is Mexican. Nurry speaks little English. Imagine a Super Mario Impersonator starring at you all day. I'm not talking from across the room here. I will come to the dish room to put away dishes and he is litteraly standing less then a foot away from me, gawking at me like some circus monkey. He asks me on dates EVERY time I work with him. I tell him I am engaged, I don't know how to make him understand. But whatever.
He is also obsessed with a friend of mine. He loves her butt. She has only seen him once and he knows where she works, what car she drives. Its super creepy. I imagine him killing me through that creepy wide grin of his. I scared him though. Today when he was staring at me. Doing his less then one foot away from me thing, I paused. Laughed to myself for a minute, then screamed as loud as I could in his direction. I think he peed his pants.

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