Monday, November 16, 2009

I Mean Really? - Get Over It.

I Need Some French Cries and A Whamburger!

If you haven't heard, President Obama bowed to the Japanese Emperor Akihito. For some odd reason, this showing of respect has enraged many Americans. Look on CNN or other Blog pages and you'll see what I'm talking about. Jeeze the man can't even take a piss without someone looking down on him.

What's the big deal? It is Japanese tradition to bow to people that you have respect for. When bowing you are showing the other person that you trust them completely, that you show your neck out of fear and respect. Showing them that you are not afraid that they will kill you. It shows trust. And right now America needs a little trust from other countries, let alone our own.

Many people say that Obama bowing like this shows that America is weak. That an American President should not bow to a foreign one. Well people AMERICA IS WEAK right now. Why? You may ask?

  1. Over 60 percent of Americansare obese

  2. There is little to no support for our armies or government.

  3. We spend too much time b!tching about a problem instead of fixing it.

  4. Our economy blows.

  5. We don't beleive in our President.

  6. Half of the people don't even know what the hell is going on in politics let alone the real world.

As a country, America is Lazy. Obama is really trying his best to get us out of the gutter. America is a car on the side of the road, stuck in the mud and he is just trying to get a freakin car to stop and help us. WE NEED HELP. Yeah I know its kind of strange becuase 90 percent of the time people are coming to us about thier problems. But right now Americans can't afford to be stuck up. You win more bees with honey than vinegar.


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