Monday, November 2, 2009

"Not Now, Honey. Mommy's on Facebook..."

When you hit the wonderful college years, you expect freedom. You expect independence from your parents. You expect parties and good times, and hey maybe some classes here or there. And I say this again [as it is most important to the sanity of us all], you expect INDEPENDENCE. You don't, however, expect your past-middle-aged mother to send you a friend request on facebook. But, alas, such is my life, along with many a person I know. Now, this atrocity could be further analyzed slash forgiven if your mother is any of the following:

-under the age of forty.
-under the age of 35 in spirit (if over my first requirement).
-someone in desperate need of networking.
-a celebrity. Or....
-at all technologically literate.

However, my mom is not. These requirements, in my mind, seem perfectly reasonable, if not NECESSARY. I mean what do you even do in this situation, with a mother trying to add you?? I'll tell you what I'm doing. DENYING said friend request, and blocking my mom. What good will adding her POSSIBLY do? Would you enjoy daily “I love you” wall posts from her? Would you like pesky comments on that slightly revealing, yet perfectly skankless skirt you wore in your profile pics? Do you enjoy your mother knowing every little thing you do and reading into every little thing you say? I think not. So, I hereby impose an age limit to facebook. This may seem a little drastic, but trust me, the world would be a lot easier without your mom leaving posts on your wall saying “I love you snookums. Oh, and here's a link to one of your baby pictures when you were naked in the bathtub.”

Side note: Besides this, how about an IQ limit if you want to have babies? Just thought I'd throw that one out there.
;) Fun Sized


  1. ouch! do i fall under those categories? or should i introduce myself to the DELETE icon?

  2. considering you know about blogs, delete icons, etc, you MAY fall under the technologically literate. However, I suggest discussing it with your child. (: lol
