Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Curious George

So, I go to this party last night. It wasn't a big one or anything, a tiny little celebration for my friend/co-worker. The party already was a flop, consisting of::
1.) The drunken Birthday Girl
2.) a Lesbian
3.) 2 butch Lesbians/"Studds"
4.) A tran-sexual ((Who makes a very pretty girl.))
5.) A rather quiet bi-polar co-worker.
6.) A white boy thug AKA boyfriend of the birthday girl.
7.) and...GEORGE.

People came and left, but these were the main people at the party. At first the party was kinda lame. The birthday girl, drunk out of her mind, grinding on everyone and everything, then randomly getting upset because apparently she thinks that her boyfriend is cheating on her. ((this boy looks and talks like Sylvester Stalone.)) The drama was getting to me because well, I'm not a drama kind of person: I avoid it at all costs.
This is why I was happy to see George at the party. Me and everyone else at the party were pretty cool. But him and I were closer friends and could conversate about something else. I hadn't planned to stay, but George begged me not to leave him there alone with all of those people. We then decide that we are going to go to Mcdonalds. We take one of the Studds with us.
Half-way down the road, I realize how drunk George has become. He then pulls out two more beers from his pockets. I begin to think things over.
1.) I'm pretty sure this guy isn't 21
2.) Will I get into trouble because he isn't and I am?
3.) Open beer in the car = BAD
My guard is immediately up. He's laughing, having a good time, and I have become quiet, concentrating on driving more normal than anyone else so a police officer doesnt have the sudden need to pull over this little Escort. I then I hear this from my passenger seat.
George:: You are so cool man. Im glad that we got to hang out tonight.
I smile at his drunken slurs and stupidity.
George:: Oh man, you're going to get mad at what Im about to do.
Me:: You better not throw up in my car!
As soon as my head turns he lands a slobbery mess of a kiss on me.
I mean really?!!! This is bad because::
1.) I'm engaged.
2.) I didn't even know he liked me because he was sleeping with some other girl at our job.
3.) I seriously have to work with him the next day.
4.) I need to go home.
I take them to Walmart to get some Mcdonalds as he pounds drunk kiss after drunk kiss on my cheek. I was like a ninja, as long as he didnt get to my mouth, I would be okay.
We get back and he decides that he's going to confess his love for me to everyone at the party. I want to leave, but Birthday girl begs me to take her to the gas station for ciggarettes, I take her and my sick love puppy comes with us.
1.) He tries to fight a friend of mine because he huged me.
2.) My friend is a black belt.
3.) He decides he wants to bite BDAY girls finger
4.) While driving, he is determined to kiss my lips because I won't let him.
5.) We almost slam into a guard rail.
6.) He manages to knock the car into Neutral while a semi is behind us.
I take them home and leave. This is enough for me.
It just amazes me how the coolest of people can become a drunk monster in a matter of seconds. Im not against drinking, I am against these assholes who can single handedly ruin a party.

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